$INK Coin as the DAO mainly operation token
Ink Coin: INK, the native token of Pendora.
INK distribution
INK has an unlimited supply. The value of INK is paritially backed by the reserve token xDAI.
The distribution and vesting schedule
INK Coin initially issued 100 million,and will allocate as follow:
Incentive Principles
Ink is design to encourages users to select and support good opinions.
We believe that good opinions will win out in the long-term competition of different opinions. Centain opinion is good if this opinion is consistent with future long-term public opinion.
One's opinion must be staked with real interests, and the opinion that wins the competition should be rewarded.
To give a example: assuming there are two answers and for a question. A user stakes a small amount of tokens on . Currently the ratio of tokens bet on and is 60%: 40%. If the ratio changes to 70%: 30% ,which means becomes more popular, then this user would get more tokens than he paid before; or, the ratio changes to 50%:50%, the user would lose tokens.
Let be set of natural numbers.
Let Q be a open topic(question), under which there are a sequence of responses(answers) . Different response represent different opinions.
Any user can vote for any opinion by staking tokens on the opinion. If this opinion becomes more popular, this user will get reward.
We use a random number generator to determine an unpredictable sequence of moments , in which each moment is allocation and settlement moment of this staking pool. Let be the period between moments and .
Let be the total stake amount of in period , and the total stake amount of in be. Note the proportion of in as .
Return on capital
Conside a certain period ,
All the stake in , will be put in a stake pool.
At the moment , the will be reallocate to all in , according to the ratio in .
So the reward of capital of is , the rate of return on capital of is decided by following equation:
We can see if and only if proportion of goes up, and is it goes down.
Edge case and fees
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