Token Economics

How to use the tokens

$ABIs is the only token used in AbiDAO, with a total issuance of 1,000,000, supporting up to 3 decimal places. It is exclusively used for community activities.

  1. Genesis members automatically receive an airdrop of 500 $ABIs upon receiving their NFT.

  2. Regular members do not receive an airdrop, and they need to acquire $ABIs from other members to participate in DAO activities.

  3. Each time a member spawns a new member, they need to spend 100 $ABIs.

  4. Every time a Propose is initiated, 10 $ABIs are required.

  5. Each time a Vote is cast, 10 $ABIs are required.

  6. For each activity, the host receives 300 $ABIs, while regular participants receive 50 $ABIs.

  7. To add $ABIs to MetaMask, select "Add Asset" below MetaMask,

  8. Afterwards, click "Add Token" and the page will display the current number of ABI tokens in the account.

  9. and fill in the $ABIs contract address (0xE44377Ae53d6025e6Dad50ADbb1D4c643868B701) as the token address, "ABI" as the token symbol, and 3 as the number of decimals.

  10. Afterwards, click "Add Token"

  11. and the page will display the current number of ABI tokens in the account.

Last updated